Hello World!

Well… I’m going to use this blog to post my articles and comments scattered in all types of mass media, so it’ll serve as a sort of an archive for everything I publish. Follow and comment on what you find useful, if you wish. All content is provided ‘all rites reversed’, i.e., you can freely use everything here without asking for a permission but please do me a favour by mentioning the original author…


Thursday, 13 September 2012

Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs, 1848

Just FYI: A very very authoritative and historic document (signed by four Patriarchs). Gives clear and accurate answers to the Roman Catholic (personally, I prefer to refer to this denominations as 'Latins', for they are neither truly 'Roman' (Rome ceased to be the capital of the Empire in AD 476), nor 'Catholic' ('all-embracing', 'universal') doctrines of papal primacy, infallibility, dogmatic development and filioque. Also deals with the issue of authority in the Church:
Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs, 1848