Why do Catholics call themselves Catholic and Orthodox call themselves Orthodox? Have you ever wondered about it?
For Catholics, the most important characteristic of their faith is its
'catholicity' (read: universalism, embracing everybody everywhere).
Hence comes power grabbing, Crusades, proselytism, secularism,
modernism, etc. For the Orthodox, the most important characteristic of
their faith is its 'Orthodoxy' (unbroken continuity of doctrine from the
times of Apostles and Christ Himself). Thus, the Orthodox aren't
afraid to remain alone (cf. "Fear ye not, small flock", "Athanasius
Contra Mundum"...) as far as they preserve "the faith once given to the
Do you agree?
NB: This is not to reject the belief in the "One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church" but to emphasise the fact that the Church cannot be
'Catholic' without remaining 'Orthodox'.
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